Most people in Gia Lai and Kon Tum have to walk 5-7km of forest trails every day to get water for daily use.
The water contained in rudimentary bags and dirty old plastic bottles is not only too little but also potentially has dangerous pathogens, especially for children in the highlands where there are not many medical facilities.

Many children have to cross the mountains to fetch water with their parents

Using old bottles to get water, people unknowingly expose to many pathogens
Although clean water wells have been drilled in these two provinces, the reality is that many people still have to travel long distances to collect water by inefficient methods. Understanding their hardships, Mr. Cao Tien Vi - founder and head of ASIF - came up with an idea to turn the traditional basket of the ethnic people here into a more effective water storage tool. So, specialized water baskets of the Gui project were born.

Specialized water baskets of the Gui project
The design of that basket was quickly created and transferred to Duy Tan Plastic Company so that they could mold and perfect it into specialized baskets with a capacity of 20 liters each. Thanks to the new baskets, the amount of water taken from each water fetching trip is 3 times higher than that of the old method, ensuring that people have enough water in the dry season, saving time and effort.

The new basket makes the water fetched more and hygienic
ASIF, Duy Tan Plastic Company and many other sponsors have joined hands to fund so that new water baskets can be quickly produced and delivered to people. On April 11, 2021, 5,000 baskets were given to people of Gia Lai and Kon Tum in an event organized by ASIF, Kon Tum Red Cross and Caritas Kon Tum. A lot of people came to the event excitedly to try using those special baskets which are very convenient for their water fetching trips.

A lot of people from communes in Kon Tum came to the event

Originating from the idea and wish of ASIF’s founder, the Gui project has had a positive initial impact on the lives of people in the Central Highlands. Although the project's expectation of donating 50,000 baskets will have to overcome many challenges, ASIF wishes to continue receiving the contribution of the community, businesses and sponsors, achieving the project goals and helping many other places where clean water is scarce.

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